Extracted from CM ref 11/59572
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply:
Term | Definition | Coding Example |
Adjective | A word that describes a noun (e.g. big, wet, blue). | Last, First |
Noun | A word that refers to a thing, person, place, or idea (e.g. book, student, Brisbane, education). | Role, List, Name |
Noun Phrase | A phrase that defines or describes a noun (e.g. that book, student name). | userRole, roleList, LastName |
Prefix | One or more characters added to the beginning of a word, typically to denote something in common (e.g. multi (many): multicultural, multilingual). | defaultType, defaultYear |
Suffix | One or more characters added to the end of a word, typically to denote something in common (e.g. less (lack of): homeless, useless). | ErrorResource, TextResource |
Verb | A word that refers to an action, event, or state of being (e.g. run, get, new). | Get, Refresh, Exception |
Verb Phrase | A phrase that defines the object of the verb (e.g. run fast, new student). | GetDescription, RefreshCache |
The names ‘Microsoft’, ‘.NET’, and the names of other Microsoft products referenced herein, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Naming conventions and standards
Spelling and preferred terms
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1703, CA1704, CA1726
Microsoft Code Analysis will raise an error for identifier names that are not recognised by the Microsoft Spelling Checker. Ensure that any words where spelling that may not be recognised by the Microsoft Spelling Checker are included in the project’s custom dictionary (see Appendix A. Creating and using custom dictionaries.
Microsoft Code Analysis will also raise an error where an ‘obsolete’ term is used, instead of the Microsoft-preferred term.
Obsolete terms and their preferred alternatives are:
Obsolete Term | Preferred Term |
Arent | AreNot |
Cancelled | Canceled |
Cant | Cannot |
ComPlus | EnterpriseServices |
Couldn’t | CouldNot |
Didn’t | DidNot |
Doesn’t | DoesNot |
Don’t | DoNot |
Hadnt | HadNot |
Hasn’t | HasNot |
Havent | HaveNot |
Indices | Indexes |
Isnt | IsNot |
LogIn | LogOn |
LogOut | LogOff |
Shouldn’t | ShouldNot |
SignOn | SignIn |
SignOff | SignOut |
Wasn’t | WasNot |
Werent | WereNot |
Wont | WillNot |
Wouldn’t | WouldNot |
Writeable | Writable |
Casing and notation
The following casing and notation terms are used throughout this standard:
Casing | Description | Example |
Pascal | First character of each word is upper-case. | ColourBitConverter |
Camel | First character of each word is upper-case, except the first word. | purchaseOrderId |
Uppercase | All characters are upper-case. | SYSTEM_CODE |
Notation | Description | Example |
Hungarian | Name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use. | strName, m_sName |
Case insensitive language
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rule: CA1708 Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Case Sensitivity
To avoid confusion and ensure cross-language interoperation, do not use identifier names that require case-sensitivity (e.g. void MyFunction(string a, string A) ).
Casing rules for all uppercase
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rule: CA1709
Only use all uppercase letters for an identifier if it is defined as a Constant.
For example: SYSTEM_CODE.
Casing rules for compound words
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1701, CA1702, CA1709
Do not capitalise each word in closed-form compound words - that is, compound words written as a single word, such as endpoint
or hashtable
For example, hashtable
is a closed-form compound word that should be treated as a single word and cased accordingly. In pascal case, it is Hashtable
- in camel case, it is hashtable
Other examples of compound words that will cause violations are CheckSum
and MultiPart
, which should be written as Checksum/checksum
and Multipart/multipart
To determine whether a word is a closed-form compound word, check the Macquarie Dictionary.
The following table identifies some common terms that are not closed-form compound words:
PascalCase | camelCase |
BitFlag | bitFlag |
FileName | fileName |
LogOff | logOff |
LogOn | logOn |
SignIn | signIn |
SignOut | signOut |
UserName | userName |
WhiteSpace | whiteSpace |
Casing rules for acronyms and initialisms
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rule: CA1709
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Abbreviations
- Acronym: Term based on the first letter of each word, and pronounced as a single word
(e.g. Technical and Further Education: TAFE).
- Initialism: Term based on the first letter of each word, and pronounced as a series of letters
(e.g. Australian Broadcasting Corporation: ABC).
Casing of acronyms depends on the length of the acronym. All acronyms are at least two characters long. For the purposes of these coding standards, if an acronym is exactly two characters, it is considered a short acronym. An acronym of three or more characters is a long acronym.
The following rules specify the proper casing for short and long acronyms.
Note that the identifier casing rules take precedence over acronym casing rules.
Rule | Do |
2 char. | Capitalise both characters, except the first word of a camel-cased identifier. For example: A property named DBRate is an example of a short acronym (DB) used as the first word of a pascal-cased identifier. A parameter named ioChannel is an example of a short acronym (IO) used as the first word of a camel-cased identifier. |
3+ char. | Use PascalCase or camelCase, as appropriate (see section 3.2.5, casing rules for identifiers). For example: A class named XmlWriter is an example of a long acronym used as the first word of a pascal-cased identifier. A parameter named htmlReader is an example of a long acronym used as the first word of a camel-cased identifier. |
Commonly-used acronyms and initialisms include:
Full Term | PascalCase | camelCase |
Database | DB | db |
Common Language Runtime | Clr | clr |
Hypertext Markup Language | Html | html |
Uniform Resource Locator | Url | url |
File Transfer Protocol | Ftp | ftp |
Input/Output | IO | io |
User Interface | UI | ui |
Component Object Model | Com | com |
Application Program Interface | Api | api |
Casing rules for identifiers
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1707, CA1709
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Capitalisation Styles
Use pascal casing (PascalCase) for all public member, type, and namespace names consisting of multiple words. Note that this rule does not apply to instance fields; you should not use public instance fields.
General casing rules for identifiers:
Identifier | Case | Example | |
Class | PascalCase | PurchaseOrder | See page 13 |
Delegate | PascalCase | RefreshCacheCallback | See page 20 |
Enumeration type | PascalCase | LookupSource | See page 19 |
Enumeration value | PascalCase | LookupType, StoredProcedure | See page 19 |
Event | PascalCase | OnClick | See page 20 |
Exception | PascalCase | DatabaseException | See page 18 |
Interface | PascalCase | BusinessObject [1] | See page 17 |
Local variable | camelCase | firstName | See page 21 |
Member variable | camelCase | _firstName [2] | See page 21 |
Method | PascalCase | ListAll() | See page 15 |
Namespace | PascalCase | OneFramework.Web, System.Data.Common | See page 12 |
Parameter | camelCase | pageIndex | See page 16 |
Property | PascalCase | LastName | See page 14 |
Public Instance Field | PascalCase | RedValue | |
Read Only Static Field | PascalCase | RedValue | See page 20 |
Resource | PascalCase | ConfigurationErrorText.resx | See page 22 |
[1] Use the prefix ‘I’ (uppercase i) for interfaces.
[2] Use the prefix ‘_’ for member variables.
Note that constants and member variables are the only identifiers that should include underscores.
Naming standards
General naming standards
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1707, CA1716, CA1720, CA1722, CA1724
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Word Choice, Avoiding Type Name Confusion
Rule | Do |
1. | Keep names to a maximum of 33 characters. |
2. | Name objects and methods as descriptively as possible, and choose easily readable identifier names. Keep names simple, but favour readability over brevity. For example, a property named CanScrollHorizontally is more easily understood than ScrollableX |
3. | Use plurals when naming lists, collections, arrays, etc. |
4. | Use literal English names rather than language-specific keywords for type names. For example, GetLength is more easily understood than GetInt |
Rule | Do not | |
5. | Don’t use class names duplicated in heavily used namespaces. For example, don’t use the following for class names: System, Collections, Forms, UI. |
6. | Don’t use identifiers that conflict with keywords of widely-used programming languages, or .NET Framework Namespace names. This exclusion includes the use of data types and common database suffixes (e.g. fg, cd, dt) in property names. See Appendix B. NET Framework Namespaces, and Appendix C. Common programming keywords. |
7. | Don’t use non-alphanumeric characters in names. | |
8. | With the exception of constants and member variables, don’t use underscores in names. This exclusion includes the use of separators between words, when an identifier consists of multiple words. [3] | |
9. | Don’t use hungarian-type prefixes in identifiers. | |
10. | Don’t add words that provide no value to property names (e.g. Employee.EmployeeName is better formed as: Employee.Name ). |
[3] Use the appropriate casing to indicate the beginning of each word.
Using abbreviations, acronyms, initialisms, and contractions
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Abbreviations
- Abbreviation: Shortened form of a word or phrase (e.g. Laboratory: Lab).
- Acronym: Term based on the first letter of each word, and pronounced as a single word (e.g. Technical and Further Education: TAFE).
- Initialism: Term based on the first letter of each word, and pronounced as a series of letters (e.g. Australian Broadcasting Corporation: ABC).
- Contraction: Abbreviation that includes the first and last letters of a word (e.g. Limited: Ltd).
General use:
Rule | Acceptable |
1. | Abbreviations can be used when the abbreviation is so common that people outside our industry will readily identify the meaning (e.g. Client.ID is acceptable in lieu of Client.Identifier or Client.Identity ). |
2. | The abbreviations ID and OK can be used in identifiers. In pascal-cased identifiers they should appear as Id and Ok . If used as the first word in a camel-cased identifier, they should appear as id and ok . |
Rule | Do not |
3. | Wherever possible, do not use abbreviations or acronyms/initialisms. |
4. | Don’t use acronyms/initialisms that are not widely-recognised, and then only when necessary. |
5. | Don’t use abbreviations or contractions as parts of identifier names. For example, use OnButtonClick rather than OnBtnClick . |
Naming namespaces
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Namespace Naming
Rule | Acceptable | |
1. | Follow the standard pattern, as appropriate, when naming namespaces: <CompanyName>.<ApplicationName \| Technology>.<Top Level Module>.<Bottom Level Module>... For example: DET.ApplicationName.BusinessLogic, OneFramework.Web.Forms. |
2. | Separate logical components with full stops. | |
3. | Prefix namespaces with a meaningful identifier representing the scope of work (e.g. OneFramework, OneFramework.Web). There should be a clear relationship between the namespace and the folder structure in the solution. | |
4. | Use plural namespace names where appropriate (e.g. use System.Collections rather than System.Collection ). Exceptions to this rule are brand names and abbreviations (e.g. use System.IO rather than System.IOs ). |
Rule | Do not |
5. | Do not have namespaces and classes with the same name. |
Naming classes
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1710, CA1722
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Class Naming, Attribute Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Name classes with nouns or noun phrases. |
2. | Use abbreviations sparingly in class names. |
3. | Use the prefix Base for a base class where inheritance is expected. |
4. | Use the suffix DA for data access classes. |
5. | Use the suffix Collection for collection classes, that is, those classes that implement: - System.Collections.IEnumerable - System.Collections.ICollection - System.Collections.IList - System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable - System.Collections.Generic.ICollection or - System.Collections.Generic.IList |
6. | Use the suffix Attribute for custom attribute classes. For example: ObsoleteAttribute and AttributeUsageAttribute. |
7. | When defining a class/interface pair where the class is a standard implementation of the interface, ensure the names differ only by prefixing the letter I (upper-case i) in the interface name. For example, OneFramework provides the IAsyncResult interface and the AsyncResult class. |
8. | End the name of derived classes with the name of the base class. For example, OneFramework types that inherit from Stream end in Stream, and types that inherit from Exception end in Exception. |
Rule | Do not |
9. | Don’t use class names duplicated in heavily used namespaces. For example, don’t use any of the following for a class name: System , Collections , Forms , UI . |
10. | Don’t have classes and namespaces with the same name. |
11. | Don’t begin class names with the letter I (upper-case i), as that is the recommended prefix for interface names. If you must start with the letter I, ensure the second character is lower-case, as in IdentityStore . |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public abstract class</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">BaseExceptionTranslator</span>
<span style="color: #0000FF">internal static</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">classStudentDA</span>
<span style="color: #0000FF">public class</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">StudentResultCollection: ICollection</span>
Naming properties
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1721, CA1722
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Property Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Name properties using noun or noun phrases. |
2. | When the attribute that the property Get and Set exposes is a boolean, prefix the method name with Is , Has , or Can , if value is added. |
3. | Give a property the same name as its type. When a property is strongly typed to an enumeration, the name of the property can be the same as the name of the enumeration. For example, for an enumeration named CacheLevel , a property that returns one of its values can also be named CacheLevel . |
4. | Use automatically implemented properties, where appropriate, and code the entire definition on one line. For example: Public string MyProperty { get; private set; } |
Rule | Do not |
5. | Don’t prefix the property name with a scope or data type identifier. |
6. | Don’t use properties that match the names of Get methods. For example, don’t name a property EmployeeRecord and also name a method GetEmployeeRecord . |
Example 1 (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">private string</span> _lastName;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public string</span> LastName
<span style="color: #0000FF">get</span> { <span style="color: #0000FF">return</span> _lastName; }
<span style="color: #0000FF">set</span> { _lastName = <span style="color: #0000FF">value</span>; }
<span style="color: #0000FF">private</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">DateTime</span> _dateOfBirth;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">DateTime</span> DateOfBirth
<span style="color: #0000FF">get</span> { <span style="color: #0000FF">return</span> _dateOfBirth; }
<span style="color: #0000FF">set</span> { _dateOfBirth = <span style="color: #0000FF">value</span>; }
Example 2 (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public bool</span> IsPrimary { <span style="color: #0000FF">get</span> { <span style="color: #0000FF">return</span> Type == (<span style="color: #0000FF">int</span>)Enumerations.<span style="color: #2B91AF">SchoolTypes</span>.Primary; } }
Naming methods
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Method Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Name methods with verbs or verb phrases. |
2, | Use the following names for common operations: * Save: Add or update a record. * Create: Add a new record. * Update: Update an existing record. * Delete: Delete an existing record. * List: Retrieve a collection of records. * Get: Retrieve a single record. * Get <column name>: Retrieve a specific column value for record. |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public void</span> Create()
<span style="color: #0000FF">public</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">Collection</span>\<<span style="color: #2B91AF">Student</span>> List(
<span style="color: #2B91AF">Int16</span> pageIndex,
<span style="color: #2B91AF">Int16</span> pageSize)
<span style="color: #0000FF">internal static string</span> GetLookupDescription(
<span style="color: #0000FF">string</span> lookupType,
<span style="color: #0000FF">string</span> lookupCode,
<span style="color: #2B91AF">MessageCollection</span> messages)
Naming parameters
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1719, CA1722
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Parameter Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Use descriptive names to ensure that a parameter’s name and type clearly indicate its meaning. |
2. | Base names on the parameter’s meaning, not on the parameter’s type. |
3. | Avoid name clashes between parameters and member names. |
Rule | Do not |
4. | Don’t use a prefix for parameter naming. |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public void</span> Update(
<span style="color: #2B91AF">Guid</span> id,
<span style="color: #0000FF">string</span> lastName,
<span style="color: #0000FF">string</span> firstName,
<span style="color: #2B91AF">DateTime</span> dateOfBirth,
<span style="color: #2B91AF">Int16</span> yearLevel)
Generic type parameters
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1715, CA1722
Rule | Do |
1. | Name generic type parameters with descriptive names, unless a single-letter name is completely self-explanatory and a descriptive name would not add value.IDictionary<TKey, TValue> is an example of an interface that complies with this rule. |
2. | Use the letter T as the type parameter name for types with one single-letter type parameter. |
3. | Prefix descriptive type parameter names with the letter T. |
4. | Indicate constraints placed on a type parameter in the name of parameter. For example, a parameter constrained to ISession may be called TSession . |
Naming UI elements
The standard of prefixing controls/variables with three characters indicating the type (hungarian notation) is no longer used.
On those rare occasions where you need to give a control a name, adopt the conventions documented in the OneFramework web coding standards.
Naming interfaces
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1715, CA1722
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Interface Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Name interfaces with nouns or noun phrases, or adjectives describing behaviour. For example, IComponent (descriptive noun), ICustomAttributeProvider (noun phrase), and IPersistable (adjective). |
2. | Use abbreviations sparingly in interface names. |
3. | Prefix interface names with the letter I (upper-case i), to indicate that the type is an interface. |
4. | Use similar names when defining a class/interface pair where the class is a standard implementation of the interface. The names should differ only by the I (upper-case i) prefix of the interface name. |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public interface</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">ILookup</span>
<span style="color: #0000FF">public class</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">Lookup : ILookup</span>
Naming exceptions
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rule: CA1710
Rule | Do |
1. | Name exceptions with nouns or noun phrases. |
2. | Use abbreviations sparingly in exception names. |
3. | Use the suffix: Exception . |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public class</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">SecurityException</span> : <span style="color: #2B91AF">SystemException</span>
Naming constants
| Rule | Do | | – | – | | 1. | Separate words using an underscore. | | 2. | Use a common prefix for related constants, not a suffix. |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">private const string</span> ENTITY_NAME = <span style="color: #A31515">"Student"</span>;
<span style="color: #0000FF">internal const</span> Int32 SESSION_TIMEOUT_MINUTES = 60;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public const string</span> MIME_TYPE_TEXT = <span style="color: #A31515">"text/plain"</span>;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public const string</span> MIME_TYPE_HTML = <span style="color: #A31515">"text/html"</span>;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public const string</span> MIME_TYPE_GIF = <span style="color: #A31515">"image/gif"</span>;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public void</span> Create()
<span style="color: #0000FF">const</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">Int16</span> DEFAULT_YEAR_LEVEL = 1;
Naming enumerations
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1711, CA1712, CA1714, CA1717, CA1722
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Enumeration Type Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Use singular names for most enum types, but use plural names for public enumerations with the System.FlagsAttribute attribute. |
2. | Use abbreviations sparingly in names. |
3. | Use a singular name for enumerations, unless its values are bit fields. |
Rule | Do not |
4. | Don’t use a family-name (type name) prefix for enumeration values. |
5. | Don’t use any Enum prefix or suffix on enumeration types. |
6. | Don’t use plural names for enumeration types that are not public enumerations with the System.FlagsAttribute attribute. |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public enum</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">PrimaryColour</span>
Red = 1,
Green = 2,
Blue = 3
[<span style="color: #2B91AF">Flags</span>]
<span style="color: #0000FF">public enum</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">FileStatus</span>
None = 0,
Open = 1,
Edit = 2,
Save = 4,
Close = 8,
Corrupt = 16,
Busy = 32,
Good = Open | Edit | Save | Close,
Bad = Corrupt | Busy
Naming static fields
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Static Field Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Use nouns, noun phrases, or abbreviations of nouns to name static fields. |
2. | Wherever possible, use static properties instead of public static fields. |
Naming events and delegates
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1710, CA1711, CA1713, CA1722
Relates to Microsoft Naming Guidelines: Event Naming
Rule | Do |
1. | Name event handlers with the EventHandler suffix. |
2. | Name event argument classes with the EventArgs suffix. |
3. | Name event names that have a concept of pre- and post-operation using the present and past tense (don’t use a BeforeXxx/AfterXxx pattern). For example, a Create() method could have Creating() and Created() events to indicate actions to occur before and after the Create has occurred. |
4. | Use the CallBack suffix for a delegate that is not an event handler. |
5. | Name events with a verb. For example: Clicked , DroppedDown . |
Rule | Do not |
6. | Don’t use the Delegate suffix for delegates. |
7. | Don’t use a prefix or suffix on the event declaration on the type. For example, use Close instead on OnClose . |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public delegate object</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">RefreshCacheCallback</span>(<span style="color: #0000FF">object</span>[] args);
<span style="color: #0000FF">public delegate void</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">ChangedEventHandler</span>(<span style="color: #0000FF">object</span> sender, <span style="color: #2B91AF">EventArgs</span> e);
Naming local and member variables
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rule: CA1722
Rule | Do |
1. | Use meaningful, descriptive words to name variables, including nouns and noun phrases. |
2. | Use an underscore prefix for member variables. |
Rule | Do |
3. | Don’t use prefixes or suffixes for local variables. |
4. | Don’t use single character variable names. One exception in this case would be variables used for iterations in loops, where the variable is used only as a counter for iteration and is not used elsewhere in the loop. |
5. | Don’t use abbreviations in variable names (e.g. string addr , int sal ). Use full words instead (e.g. string address , int salary ). |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">public class</span> Student
<span style="color: #0000FF">private</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">Int16</span> _defaultYearLevel = 1;
<span style="color: #0000FF">private</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">Decimal</span> _defaultPaymentAmount = 1500.00;
<span style="color: #0000FF">public</span> <span style="color: #2B91AF">Int32</span> GetNumberOfClasses()
<span style="color: #2B91AF">Int32</span> numberOfClasses = 0;
<span style="color: #0000FF">string</span> studentName = <span style="color: #2B91AF">String</span>.Empty;
Naming resources
Relates to Microsoft Code Analysis Rules: CA1722
Rule | Do |
1. | Provide descriptive, rather than short, identifiers. Keep identifiers concise where possible, but don’t sacrifice readability. |
2. | Use only alphanumeric characters in naming resources. |
3. | Use the dot separator to nest identifiers with a clear hierarchy. For example: Menus.FileMenu.Close.Text and Menus.FileMenu.Close.Color . |
4. | Use the standard naming convention for exception message resources. The resource identifier should be the exception type name plus a short identifier of the exception separated by a dot. For example: ArgumentException.BadEnumValue store in file named: ArgumentErrorText.resx . |
Rule | Do not |
5. | Don’t use a resource prefix or suffix in the name of a resource. Use the format: [Class][Purpose] .resx where Purpose = ErrorText, Expression, Message. |
Example (comments removed)
<span style="color: #0000FF">OneFramework\Resources\ConfigurationErrorText.resx